Check out our Timebuilders Pyramid Rising 2 Walkthrough for complete video solutions for each and every level of this extremely challenging time management game. Return to the land of Ancient Egypt, and help save the 18th Dynasty from ruin by constructing 8 majestic temples across the land before 4 moons cycle. Pyramid Rising 2 is packed full of fast-paced fun that time management fans are sure to love!
Out of all the Timebuilders games, Pyramid Rising has always been by far my favorite. Just as Liz said in her Timebuilders Pyramid Rising 2 Review, I too have been a bit in love with the lore of ancient Egypt since I was a kid, with dreams of one day being an archaeologist. Of course, then I realized I despise the heat and the sand so that dream was summarily tossed out the window in order to make way for other, more comfortable ones.

Pyramid Rising 2, however, does not leave me disappointed or uncomfortable. For fans of the franchise, it's quick and easy to pick up, so you can fling yourself into the fray without having to learn anything too complicated.
In fact, if anything, I thought the tutorial introduction levels were a bit too slow for my tastes since I already knew the basics of the game and was ready to start immediately upgrading my huts to level 3. But... I know they are there for a refresher and for those who have never played the Timebuilders games before, so I dutifully suffered through learning how to build a quarry and upgrade my huts.
Overall, it was a great game and worthy of the time it took to create a Timebuilders Pyramid Rising 2 Walkthrough. And, as always with our time management games, we've not only included written instructions on how to beat each level, but complete video solutions of each level so you can see exactly how we achieved gold time. After all, with Egypt in peril, it's best not to take any chances.
So with our Timebuilders Pyramid Rising 2 Walkthrough at your side, you'll have no problem getting through those tricky levels... and trust me... the later levels will get ridiculously hard, so you'll be happy to be able to reference those videos whenever you need help!
Have fun and we hope you enjoy our Timebuilders Pyramid Rising 2 Walkthrough!